
Victorious Living Blog

7 Steps to Understanding That Freedom Is a Gift

On the cross, Jesus paid for our freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from everything that’s under the curse – fear, oppression, sickness, disease, lack, poverty, anxiousness, addiction, death…on and one we could go! In other words, everything that is the opposite of the THE BLESSING is what’s under the curse. Everything that is from the… Read More

September Wallpaper

September Faith Wallpaper

September’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device. Click here to download the Desktop version Click here to download the Tablet version Click here to download the Mobile version Desktop Computer Instructions For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then,… Read More

Inside the Vision of KCM

Inside The Vision

 Inside the Vision  is a new programme on the VICTORY Channel. Hosted by Pastor George Pearsons, this weekly broadcast will both inform you of everything God is accomplishing through Kenneth Copeland Ministries while also inspiring you to live out the vision God has given you! Each 30-minute episode of Inside the Vision features segments bringing awareness to… Read More

Love Overcomes Fear - blog post

Love Overcomes Fear

More than 100 times God tells us in His Word to, “Fear not!” Why? Because fear is an enemy of God, therefore, it is our enemy as well. From the beginning, it was God’s original plan that we leave fear-free, but when sin entered this world, fear did too. And yet, living free from fear… Read More